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Thanksgiving Classroom Door Décor: Celebrating Our Students

Welcome to post #2 in our November blogging series, "Thanksgiving Classroom Door Décor!" For this blog, we are going to discuss how to utilize our Thanksgiving door décor to celebrate our students.

The world seems to be a bit tougher for our little people these days, so why not take every opportunity to brighten their day? This idea will do just that...surprise them with a little happy note about what you appreciate about them and give them a little extra bounce in their step! Further, they get a reminder about what makes them special every time they walk through those doors during the month of November! It's a relatively easy door décor idea with very little prep but a huge message and impact.

So let's get started....

Materials Needed:

Construction paper (fall colors: yellow, brown, red, orange)





Step One: You'll need an outline of a red maple leaf. I opted to print an outline off on the printer and then trace into onto my construction paper, but if you have a printer that will print the stencil lines directly onto the construction paper, that's an option as well. Obviously, you'll need to decide what size maple leaf you want to use based on how many you need to fit on the door (one for each student, plus a few at the bottom for décor purposes only).

Step Two: Using scissors (and any extra hands you can get to volunteer), cut out your construction maple leaves.

Step Three: This is the fun part! Using the Sharpie, write each student's name at the top of the leaf and say something about them that you are thankful for. If you need any hints or ideas on compliments, check out this website.

Step Four: Design yourself a banner for the top of the door that says, "I'm Thankful For..."

Step Five: Tape your banner to the top of the door, your leaves with student names all over the middle of the door, and your blank leaves for extra décor at the bottom of the door.

Step Six: Sit back and watch your student's faces light up when they see their names and see what you appreciate about them!

I hope you have enjoyed this Thanksgiving classroom door décor idea! If you use this idea for your classroom, please share a picture with us!

Happy Thanksgiving, from our team to yours!

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