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5 Tips for Teachers on the First Day of School!

Starting the school year can be stressful enough after a relaxing summer, so we compiled some tips to help you start off the school year on the right foot!


1. Reuse everything possible! Extend the life of supplies to save yourself money: Write on both sides of notebook paper, continue using folders from previous years, or have students do math on dry erase to avoid using more paper!

2. Recycle: Teach kids what can and can't be recycled from day one! Kids will be more likely to continue to do this later in life if they create this habit young. Saving the planet starts today!

3. Name Game: Kids will feel more connected to you as the teacher and the other students if you know their names, so spend the first day letting everyone get acquainted! (Maybe even use name tags!)

4. Social Contract: Sit down as a group with all of the children, and together begin to create the rules and expectations of the classroom. This will help the class follow and self-reinforce these rules since they feel like they made them!

5. Break the ice! Make it fun: Start off the day by telling a funny story or reading a silly book to help lighten the mood for the kids who are nervous about starting school. The laughs will help everyone feel more comforatble and hopefully get the kids talking!

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