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6 Classroom Management Tips

Happy Monday!

As an educator, there is always a desire to learn and improve your style of teaching. Whether that be through the subject(s) that you are teaching or how you manage your classroom, learning how to grow as an educator is always satisfying. We put together 6 Classroom Management Tips, for educators who are looking for ideas on how to improve their classroom management style.

1. Set Boundaries from the Beginning

At the beginning of each day, ensure that students know your expectations of them before you start the lesson. For example: they must not be talking, must be at their desk, and need to be ready to learn, before you begin the lesson.

2. Love Your Students

We all have good days and bad days, including your students! Remember that making mistakes is important for their learning and growth.

3. Praise When You Can

When a student does something that you want other students to model behind, be sure to praise them for that model behavior! Once other students, take notice they will follow behind and improve their own behaviors.

4. Build a Class Identity

Give your class a team name. This allows the class to bond behind that one name and feel a part of a team. That way in the future, if your class as a whole is behaving the way you need them to or performs well on an assignment, you can address them by the team name and praise them that way.

5. Use a Hand Signals and Other Nonverbal Language

With younger students you can get their attention by clapping three times or by raising your hand and looking around the room until everyone else's hands are raised. These are two examples of excellent nonverbal language to grab your student's attention.

6. Have a Plan and a Goal

This is the most important tip of all. Be sure that every day you have a set plan of what you want the students to learn that day. That way at the end of the day, you can reflect on your plan and see if it reached your goal of what you needed your students to learn. If you meet your goal, congratulations! If you don't meet your goal, be sure to write that down so that in the future when you are teaching this subject again, you can improve upon what didn't work.

Do you have any additional classroom management tips you'd like to share? Sound off in the comments below!

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